niedziela, 15 lutego 2009

Lektura "The Wise Parent Money Strategies" (część I)

frugal, frugality, frugally - oszczędny, oszczędność, oszczędnie
For peace of mind, we would rather save money and lead a frugal life now instead of finding ourselves
without money for living expenses later on.

relief - pomoc, zadośćuczynienie, rekompensata
It would be a great relief not to worry about not having enough money for the entire family.

keep track - śledzić, być na bieżąco, dokumentować, prowadzić zapiski, protokołować
just keep track of all your expenses for at least 2 months

grocery - sklep spożywczy
Note down even minor expenses like your coffee or newspaper
purchases every morning to grocery bills during the weekends.

spending habits - preferencje wydawania pieniędzy (?)
Your record will eventually show you what is your spending habits or patterns and where your money is going.
your money is going.

overspending - żyć ponad stan, wydawać więcej niż się zarabia
If you are not living within your means, meaning you are spending more money than what you are earning then you are

dining out - jeść na zewnątrz (na mieście)
For some people, it may be too much dining out, movies every week, the shopping spree, expensive phone charges.

expenditure - wydatki
If they want to cut down on spending, they may want to reduce expenditure from this column first

mortgage - kredyt hipoteczny, hipoteka
fix expenses like phone bills, electricity bills, mortgage payments, etc.

worthwhile - wart czasu, opłacalny, wart zachodu
it is a worthwhile exercise to ensure you are on the right track

happy-go-lucky - lekkomyślny, niefrasobliwy
Tom is a happy-go-lucky type of person and is always optimistic about his future.

bargain - korzystny, intratny, okazyjny, okazja, tranzakcja
. He also bought a car a few months after working but he bought a second-hand car at a great bargain price.

careal - płatki zbożowe, zboże
He eats a simple breakfast such as cereal or toast with omelet and coffee.

weakness - słabość
This is one of the weaknesses of the human nature.

1 komentarz:

  1. Krótki, ciekawy, zwięźle napisany ebook o zarządzaniu domowym budżetem, oszczędzaniu i inwestowaniu. Przydatny w trakcie kryzysu ;) Gorąco polecam. Jest do pobrania na stronie

    No i oczywiście dużo nowego (dla mnie) słownictwa.
