niedziela, 15 lutego 2009

Lektura "The Wise Parent Money Strategies" (część II)

living from paycheck to paycheck - życie od wypłaty do wypłaty (od pierwszego do pierwszego)

overseas holidays - wycieczka zagraniczna, wakacje za granicą
Forget about luxury things or overseas holidays.

accumulate money - zgromadzić pieniądze
What I was earning was so little it would take me forever to accumulate money to get the things I wanted.

tracking expenses - śledzenie wydatków

affordable - przystępna (cena)
If I wanted to reward myself, I do it in a realistic and affordable way.

dreaded - straszny, straszliwy
Retirement period will be a dreaded time for these people,

bundle - fortuna, duża ilość pieniędzy
In the long run, it will save you a bundle.

pot-luck dinner - wspólna (składkowa) kolacja
If you want a friend’s gathering, suggest a pot-luck dinner instead.

makeover - odnowa, przeróbka, remont
For example, a baby’s room makeover may not be necessary.

stroller - wózek dziecięcy
Initially you may postpone to buy the stroller, high chair, toys, etc. until you actually need them.

outgrow clothes - wyrastać z rzeczy
A practical advice is to just buy the minimum number of clothing as babies or young kids really outgrow their clothes very fast.

subsequent - następny, kolejny, późniejszy
Keep the clothing properly and you may find that
you can use them years later for subsequent babies.

pile up - gromadzić się
then that is where debt begins to pile up.

abode - miejsce zamieszkania, siedziba, miejsce pobytu
If you don’t have that money then you may have to postpone your plans first or get a cheaper abode.

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