exceptional - wyjątkowy
Its new venture capitalist arm pledged to help find and develop "exceptional start-ups", offering early stage investments to a range of new firms.
nascent - rodzący się, tworzący się
we think the current downturn is an ideal time to invest in nascent companies that have the chance to be the 'next big thing'
to be accused - być obwinianym, być oskarżanym
Google has been increasingly accused of becoming too powerful but Mr Anton said he was not concerned that this would happen with its latest venture.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7973783.stm
wtorek, 31 marca 2009
How We Identify Letters
to consider - zastanawiać się
The next time you are reading a book, or even as you read this article, consider the words that you are seeing.
substantial - solidny
Substantial research has shown that while reading, we recognize words by their letters and not by the general shape of the word.
to differentiate - rozróżniać
However, it was largely unknown how we differentiate one letter from another.
to evaluate - oceniać, szacować
The researchers then evaluated which areas of each of the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet were crucial for letter recognition.
vertical lines - linie pionowe
curve - krzywa, łuk
For instance, the most useful feature of letters for the ideal observer were vertical lines and curves opening up and not line terminations.
Źródło: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/130949.php
The next time you are reading a book, or even as you read this article, consider the words that you are seeing.
substantial - solidny
Substantial research has shown that while reading, we recognize words by their letters and not by the general shape of the word.
to differentiate - rozróżniać
However, it was largely unknown how we differentiate one letter from another.
to evaluate - oceniać, szacować
The researchers then evaluated which areas of each of the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet were crucial for letter recognition.
vertical lines - linie pionowe
curve - krzywa, łuk
For instance, the most useful feature of letters for the ideal observer were vertical lines and curves opening up and not line terminations.
Źródło: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/130949.php
nauka angielskiego,
poniedziałek, 30 marca 2009
Russia's poor 'need crisis help'
particularly - szczgólnie
The Bank said Russia, a major oil producer, would be particularly hard hit by the low price of oil.
significant - znaczny
It said the Kremlin should shift the focus of its anti-crisis programme to the poor because of "the threat of significant social pressure".
pensioners - emeryt, rencista
It says that the Russian government should increase payments to the unemployed and to pensioners.
to insist - obstawać przy czymś
The government insists that it has the funds to meet social spending requirements, but the World Bank's prediction is likely to cause further concern.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7972028.stm
The Bank said Russia, a major oil producer, would be particularly hard hit by the low price of oil.
significant - znaczny
It said the Kremlin should shift the focus of its anti-crisis programme to the poor because of "the threat of significant social pressure".
pensioners - emeryt, rencista
It says that the Russian government should increase payments to the unemployed and to pensioners.
to insist - obstawać przy czymś
The government insists that it has the funds to meet social spending requirements, but the World Bank's prediction is likely to cause further concern.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7972028.stm
nauka angielskiego,
GM chairman forced out by Obama
to step down - ustąpić
The chief executive of struggling US car company General Motors has been ordered to step down by US President Barack Obama
liabilities - zobowiązania
"While Chrysler and GM are different companies with different paths forward, both have unsustainable liabilities and both need a fresh start," the task force said.
to shed - pozbyć się
GM plans to axe 47,000 jobs and Chrysler 3,000, as well as shedding a number of car models.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7971202.stm
The chief executive of struggling US car company General Motors has been ordered to step down by US President Barack Obama
liabilities - zobowiązania
"While Chrysler and GM are different companies with different paths forward, both have unsustainable liabilities and both need a fresh start," the task force said.
to shed - pozbyć się
GM plans to axe 47,000 jobs and Chrysler 3,000, as well as shedding a number of car models.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7971202.stm
nauka angielskiego,
niedziela, 29 marca 2009
UBS nominates cat fancier to executive board
expat - emigrant (expatriate)
among - pomiędzy, wśród
A Canadian expat with a colourful reputation as a cat lover is among the new nominees to the board of directors of Switzerland’s financially troubled UBS bank.
to commute - dojeżdzać
Godbehere’s hiring caused some controversy in the British media because of her decision to commute from her home in Zurich, instead of moving to Britain.
apparently - najwyraźniej
She collected a salary of 900,000 pounds a year but apparently avoided paying British tax on this
to tame - oswajać
stray - przybłęda
They refer to her as “the ‘cat whisperer’ because she takes in and tames so many strays,” the newspaper reported.
tenure - kadencja
During her tenure at that company Fortune magazine ranked her as one of the business world’s 50 most powerful women.
Anglophones - osoby mówiące po angielsku
Godbehere would become the only Canadian on the UBS board, while joining three other Anglophones who were appointed last year.
Źródło: http://www.swisster.ch/en/news/business/ubs-nominates-cat-fancier-to-executive-board_116-1331110
among - pomiędzy, wśród
A Canadian expat with a colourful reputation as a cat lover is among the new nominees to the board of directors of Switzerland’s financially troubled UBS bank.
to commute - dojeżdzać
Godbehere’s hiring caused some controversy in the British media because of her decision to commute from her home in Zurich, instead of moving to Britain.
apparently - najwyraźniej
She collected a salary of 900,000 pounds a year but apparently avoided paying British tax on this
to tame - oswajać
stray - przybłęda
They refer to her as “the ‘cat whisperer’ because she takes in and tames so many strays,” the newspaper reported.
tenure - kadencja
During her tenure at that company Fortune magazine ranked her as one of the business world’s 50 most powerful women.
Anglophones - osoby mówiące po angielsku
Godbehere would become the only Canadian on the UBS board, while joining three other Anglophones who were appointed last year.
Źródło: http://www.swisster.ch/en/news/business/ubs-nominates-cat-fancier-to-executive-board_116-1331110
nauka angielskiego,
Biden appeals to G20 protesters
to appeal - apelować, wzywać
Biden appeals to G20 protesters
to tackle - zmierzyć się, stawić czoło
US Vice-President Joe Biden has called for G20 protesters to give governments a chance to tackle the economic crisis
blind faith - ślepa wiara
We are rejecting blind faith in the markets
to rally - zbierać, pozyskiwać (zwolenników)
Before the London summit, Mr Brown has been visiting a number of countries trying to rally support for his economic plans.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7970185.stm
Biden appeals to G20 protesters
to tackle - zmierzyć się, stawić czoło
US Vice-President Joe Biden has called for G20 protesters to give governments a chance to tackle the economic crisis
blind faith - ślepa wiara
We are rejecting blind faith in the markets
to rally - zbierać, pozyskiwać (zwolenników)
Before the London summit, Mr Brown has been visiting a number of countries trying to rally support for his economic plans.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7970185.stm
nauka angielskiego,
sobota, 28 marca 2009
G20 demonstrators march in London
poverty - ubóstwo, bieda, nędza
climate change - zmiana klimatu
ahead of - przed (czymś/kimś)
Tens of thousands of people have marched through London demanding action on poverty, climate change and jobs, ahead of next week's G20 summit.
rally - wiec, zebranie zwolenników
The Put People First alliance of 150 charities and unions walked from Embankment to Hyde Park for a rally.
tense - napięty
BBC News reporter Mario Cacciottolo said people were clearly angry, but the atmosphere was not tense.
to dampen - studzić, zmniejszać
However, in an interview with Saturday's Financial Times, German Chancellor Angela Merkel dampened expectations of a significant breakthrough.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7968721.stm
climate change - zmiana klimatu
ahead of - przed (czymś/kimś)
Tens of thousands of people have marched through London demanding action on poverty, climate change and jobs, ahead of next week's G20 summit.
rally - wiec, zebranie zwolenników
The Put People First alliance of 150 charities and unions walked from Embankment to Hyde Park for a rally.
tense - napięty
BBC News reporter Mario Cacciottolo said people were clearly angry, but the atmosphere was not tense.
to dampen - studzić, zmniejszać
However, in an interview with Saturday's Financial Times, German Chancellor Angela Merkel dampened expectations of a significant breakthrough.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7968721.stm
nauka angielskiego,
piątek, 27 marca 2009
UK economy shrinks at faster pace
pace - tempo
UK economy shrinks at faster pace
to reveal - ujawniać, odkrywać
savings ratio - stosunek oszczędności
The figures have also revealed a large jump in the proportion of household income that is being saved, producing the highest "savings ratio" since 2006.
surge - wzrost
put aside money for hard times - odłożyć pieniądze na ciężkie czasy
The savings ratio surged from a negative number in the first quarter of 2008 to almost 5% by the end of the year, as people put aside money for hard times.
to rein - trzymać w ryzach
The savings ratio has also been boosted by people borrowing less, with a slump last year in new mortgages, and consumers reining in their spending on credit cards and other types of borrowing.
Household expenditure - wydatki na mieszkanie
Household expenditure fell by 1%, and all the major sectors of the economy contracted.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7967597.stm
UK economy shrinks at faster pace
to reveal - ujawniać, odkrywać
savings ratio - stosunek oszczędności
The figures have also revealed a large jump in the proportion of household income that is being saved, producing the highest "savings ratio" since 2006.
surge - wzrost
put aside money for hard times - odłożyć pieniądze na ciężkie czasy
The savings ratio surged from a negative number in the first quarter of 2008 to almost 5% by the end of the year, as people put aside money for hard times.
to rein - trzymać w ryzach
The savings ratio has also been boosted by people borrowing less, with a slump last year in new mortgages, and consumers reining in their spending on credit cards and other types of borrowing.
Household expenditure - wydatki na mieszkanie
Household expenditure fell by 1%, and all the major sectors of the economy contracted.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7967597.stm
nauka angielskiego,
Google cuts 200 global sales and marketing jobs
to lay off - zwalniać, dać wypowiedzenie
immune - odporny
online advertising - reklama internetowa
Google is to lay off 200 staff from its global sales and marketing operation, proving even the search engine giant that dominates online advertising is not immune from the finacial downturn.
overlapping - zachodzące na siebie
decision-making process - proces podejmowania decyzji
In some areas we've created overlapping organisations which not only duplicate effort but also complicate the decision-making process.
ultimately - ostatecznie, w końcu
We did look at a number of different options but ultimately concluded that we had to restructure our organisations in order to improve our effectiveness and efficiency as a business
severance package - odprawa (?)
We will give each person time to try and find another position at Google, as well as outplacement support, and provide severance packages for those who leave the company.
Źródło: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/mar/27/google-cuts-200-sales-and-marketing-jobs
immune - odporny
online advertising - reklama internetowa
Google is to lay off 200 staff from its global sales and marketing operation, proving even the search engine giant that dominates online advertising is not immune from the finacial downturn.
overlapping - zachodzące na siebie
decision-making process - proces podejmowania decyzji
In some areas we've created overlapping organisations which not only duplicate effort but also complicate the decision-making process.
ultimately - ostatecznie, w końcu
We did look at a number of different options but ultimately concluded that we had to restructure our organisations in order to improve our effectiveness and efficiency as a business
severance package - odprawa (?)
We will give each person time to try and find another position at Google, as well as outplacement support, and provide severance packages for those who leave the company.
Źródło: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/mar/27/google-cuts-200-sales-and-marketing-jobs
nauka angielskiego,
Symptoms of Dyslexia in Adults
taught - nauczani
But to reach full potential they need to be taught differently, according to their needs.
roughly - około, w przybliżeniu
to screen - przeszukiwać, badać, poddawać kontroli
In roughly the last fifteen years, dyslexia in children has routinely been screened for in elementary school.
bear - nosić
scar - piętno, blizna
being hammered into molds that did not fit. - być zmuszonym do czegoś co nie pasowało (mniej więcej)
Those who went through grade school more than 15 years ago almost all bear the scars of being hammered into molds that did not fit.
to be ridiculed - być wyśmiewanym
to be retarded - być opóźnionym
embarrassed - zakłopotany, zażenowany
They were ridiculed for their differences, looked at as retarded (which most are definitely not!), slow learners, etc. They were embarrassed and learn to hide their differences.
reading aloud - czytanie na głos
Different signs of dyslexia may include difficulties in spelling, difficulties in reading aloud
Źródło: http://support.protectlife.com/wordpress/?p=393
But to reach full potential they need to be taught differently, according to their needs.
roughly - około, w przybliżeniu
to screen - przeszukiwać, badać, poddawać kontroli
In roughly the last fifteen years, dyslexia in children has routinely been screened for in elementary school.
bear - nosić
scar - piętno, blizna
being hammered into molds that did not fit. - być zmuszonym do czegoś co nie pasowało (mniej więcej)
Those who went through grade school more than 15 years ago almost all bear the scars of being hammered into molds that did not fit.
to be ridiculed - być wyśmiewanym
to be retarded - być opóźnionym
embarrassed - zakłopotany, zażenowany
They were ridiculed for their differences, looked at as retarded (which most are definitely not!), slow learners, etc. They were embarrassed and learn to hide their differences.
reading aloud - czytanie na głos
Different signs of dyslexia may include difficulties in spelling, difficulties in reading aloud
Źródło: http://support.protectlife.com/wordpress/?p=393
nauka angielskiego,
czwartek, 26 marca 2009
Record decline hits Irish economy
becoming - stając się
Once known as the Celtic Tiger due to the strong growth it enjoyed, Ireland has experienced a sharp downturn, becoming the first eurozone country to fall into recession in 2008.
collapse - załamanie
Analysts suggest Ireland is having a tougher time than most during the recession because added to the general economic crisis it is also dealing with a dramatic collapse in house building.
dwelling - mieszkanie
At its peak in 2006 90,000 dwellings were built.
to spread - rozprzestrzeniać się
It has now spread to commercial developments and to general contracts and projects like schools and hospitals
deteriorating - pogarszający się
Ireland's deteriorating economy has also hit public finances hard.
to defer - wstrzymywać się, odraczać
The country is also suffering from deflation - a period of falling prices - which could pose a big risk for the economy because it encourages people to defer purchases in the hope of getting them cheaper later on.
Once known as the Celtic Tiger due to the strong growth it enjoyed, Ireland has experienced a sharp downturn, becoming the first eurozone country to fall into recession in 2008.
collapse - załamanie
Analysts suggest Ireland is having a tougher time than most during the recession because added to the general economic crisis it is also dealing with a dramatic collapse in house building.
dwelling - mieszkanie
At its peak in 2006 90,000 dwellings were built.
to spread - rozprzestrzeniać się
It has now spread to commercial developments and to general contracts and projects like schools and hospitals
deteriorating - pogarszający się
Ireland's deteriorating economy has also hit public finances hard.
to defer - wstrzymywać się, odraczać
The country is also suffering from deflation - a period of falling prices - which could pose a big risk for the economy because it encourages people to defer purchases in the hope of getting them cheaper later on.
nauka angielskiego,
US plans to rein in Wall Street
to rein - trzymać w ryzach
US plans to rein in Wall Street
to contribute - brać udział, uczestniczyć
The measures are designed to prevent the kind of systemic risk-taking among banks that has contributed to the current financial crisis.
entity - podmiot, jednostka
Establishing a single entity responsible for stability among major institutions
to jeopardise - narażać na niebezpieczeństwo, narażać na szwank
"We cannot wait for consensus with the rest of the world [if that jeopardises US recovery]," he said.
to reinforce - wspierać
Questioned as to whether there was an alternative to using taxpayer money to bail out financial institutions, Mr Geithner reinforced the government's argument that it had no choice.
acute - ostry, przenikliwy, przyszywający
Letting certain financial institutions fail can cause acute, catastrophic damage
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7966023.stm
US plans to rein in Wall Street
to contribute - brać udział, uczestniczyć
The measures are designed to prevent the kind of systemic risk-taking among banks that has contributed to the current financial crisis.
entity - podmiot, jednostka
Establishing a single entity responsible for stability among major institutions
to jeopardise - narażać na niebezpieczeństwo, narażać na szwank
"We cannot wait for consensus with the rest of the world [if that jeopardises US recovery]," he said.
to reinforce - wspierać
Questioned as to whether there was an alternative to using taxpayer money to bail out financial institutions, Mr Geithner reinforced the government's argument that it had no choice.
acute - ostry, przenikliwy, przyszywający
Letting certain financial institutions fail can cause acute, catastrophic damage
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7966023.stm
nauka angielskiego,
środa, 25 marca 2009
China calls for new global currency
step up - wzmagać, zwiększać
China is calling for a new global currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund, stepping up pressure ahead of a London summit of global leaders for changes to a financial system dominated by the U.S. dollar and Western governments
assertiveness - asertywność, pewność siebie
The comments, in an essay by the Chinese central bank governor released late Monday, reflect Beijing's growing assertiveness in economic affairs.
reliance - zaufanie
Some economists have suggested creating a new reserve currency to reduce reliance on the dollar but acknowledge it would face major obstacles.
stockpile - zapas, skład
It would require acceptance from nations that have long used the dollar and hold huge stockpiles of the U.S. currency.
contradictory - sprzeczny
Managing such a currency would require balancing the contradictory needs of countries with high and low growth or with trade surpluses or deficits
liquidity - płynność
A super-sovereign reserve currency managed by a global institution could be used to both create and control global liquidity
Źródło: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5h8KoPe1MqwkZWOTIikcwb8Tg2W3AD974D8384
China is calling for a new global currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund, stepping up pressure ahead of a London summit of global leaders for changes to a financial system dominated by the U.S. dollar and Western governments
assertiveness - asertywność, pewność siebie
The comments, in an essay by the Chinese central bank governor released late Monday, reflect Beijing's growing assertiveness in economic affairs.
reliance - zaufanie
Some economists have suggested creating a new reserve currency to reduce reliance on the dollar but acknowledge it would face major obstacles.
stockpile - zapas, skład
It would require acceptance from nations that have long used the dollar and hold huge stockpiles of the U.S. currency.
contradictory - sprzeczny
Managing such a currency would require balancing the contradictory needs of countries with high and low growth or with trade surpluses or deficits
liquidity - płynność
A super-sovereign reserve currency managed by a global institution could be used to both create and control global liquidity
Źródło: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5h8KoPe1MqwkZWOTIikcwb8Tg2W3AD974D8384
nauka angielskiego,
wtorek, 24 marca 2009
Surprise hike in consumer prices
repayment - spłata, oddanie długu
But a sharp fall in mortgage repayments caused the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which includes housing costs, to fall to zero for the first time in 49 years.
beyond - poza
widespread - rozpowszechniony, powszechny
We have seen many prices return to the previous selling price in November, or even gone beyond that. And that is quite widespread.
harvest - zbiory, żniwa
courgette - cukinia
cucumber - ogórek
A poor harvest in Spain had led to much higher courgette and cucumber prices
stem - wynikać
The fall in RPI, as recorded in the latest Office for National Statistics data, stems largely from the fall in mortgage repayments after a series of interest rate cuts.
vast - duży, ogromny
to accustom - przyzwyczaić się
hardship - problem, trudność
For the vast majority of workers, accustomed as most of us are to an annual boost to our pay packets, a pay freeze or pay cut will feel like a hardship, especially while the CPI measure of inflation continues to rise.
contradictory - sprzeczny
Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman Vince Cable said the latest figures painted a "a very contradictory picture" and that it was very difficult to manage policy in such an environment.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7959564.stm
But a sharp fall in mortgage repayments caused the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which includes housing costs, to fall to zero for the first time in 49 years.
beyond - poza
widespread - rozpowszechniony, powszechny
We have seen many prices return to the previous selling price in November, or even gone beyond that. And that is quite widespread.
harvest - zbiory, żniwa
courgette - cukinia
cucumber - ogórek
A poor harvest in Spain had led to much higher courgette and cucumber prices
stem - wynikać
The fall in RPI, as recorded in the latest Office for National Statistics data, stems largely from the fall in mortgage repayments after a series of interest rate cuts.
vast - duży, ogromny
to accustom - przyzwyczaić się
hardship - problem, trudność
For the vast majority of workers, accustomed as most of us are to an annual boost to our pay packets, a pay freeze or pay cut will feel like a hardship, especially while the CPI measure of inflation continues to rise.
contradictory - sprzeczny
Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman Vince Cable said the latest figures painted a "a very contradictory picture" and that it was very difficult to manage policy in such an environment.
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7959564.stm
nauka angielskiego,
China suggests switch from dollar
to rely on - polegać na czymś
Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan did not explicitly mention the dollar, but said the crisis showed the dangers of relying on one currency.
volatility - zmienność
Its leaders have often complained about the dollar's volatility.
weakened - osłabić się
On Tuesday, the dollar weakened against most major currencies following the announcement of a US plan to buy up toxic debt.
to intend - zamierzać, planować
This confirms that China intends to play fully its role of global economic and political power at the next G20 summit
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7960620.stm
Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan did not explicitly mention the dollar, but said the crisis showed the dangers of relying on one currency.
volatility - zmienność
Its leaders have often complained about the dollar's volatility.
weakened - osłabić się
On Tuesday, the dollar weakened against most major currencies following the announcement of a US plan to buy up toxic debt.
to intend - zamierzać, planować
This confirms that China intends to play fully its role of global economic and political power at the next G20 summit
Źródło: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7960620.stm
nauka angielskiego,
poniedziałek, 23 marca 2009
US details toxic asset programme
toxic assets - toksyczne papiery wartościowe
to buy up - wykupić, wykupować
The US is set to announce details of a $500bn (£343bn) plan to encourage investors to buy up toxic assets.
measures - kroki, posunięcia
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the measures were needed to help the financial system recover.
hit its highest in almost four months - osiągnął najwyższy poziom w ciągu prawie 4 miesięcy
The price of crude oil also hit its highest in almost four months at close to $53 a barrel on optimism the plan would help the US climb out of recession.
scant - niewielki, ledwo wystarczający, niedostateczny
The plan was originally announced in February, shortly after Mr Geithner took up his post as Treasury Secretary but details were scant on how it would work.
reluctant - niechętny, oporny
administration officials dismissed fears that private investors would be reluctant to participate in the rescue plan
to buy up - wykupić, wykupować
The US is set to announce details of a $500bn (£343bn) plan to encourage investors to buy up toxic assets.
measures - kroki, posunięcia
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the measures were needed to help the financial system recover.
hit its highest in almost four months - osiągnął najwyższy poziom w ciągu prawie 4 miesięcy
The price of crude oil also hit its highest in almost four months at close to $53 a barrel on optimism the plan would help the US climb out of recession.
scant - niewielki, ledwo wystarczający, niedostateczny
The plan was originally announced in February, shortly after Mr Geithner took up his post as Treasury Secretary but details were scant on how it would work.
reluctant - niechętny, oporny
administration officials dismissed fears that private investors would be reluctant to participate in the rescue plan
nauka angielskiego,
sobota, 21 marca 2009
Artykuł Birthplace matters in Swedish job market
graduate - absolwent
counterpart - odpowiednik
Foreign-born graduates of Swedish universities have less chance of finding a job that equates to their qualifications than their Sweden-born counterparts.
get accused of - zostać oskarżonym o
I think Swedes are shocked when they get accused of discriminating against foreigners, because they see themselves as a very diverse and accepting nation
obstacles - przeszkody
Despite the obstacles, many do find employment in Sweden after graduation and actually find themselves over qualified for the jobs they are doing.
significant - znaczący, znaczny, istotny
No significant differences were noted between women and men.
respective - poszczególny
None of the countries studied showed equal levels of employment between those born in the respective country and those born outside.
recruitment - rekrutacja, proces zatrudnienia
at the bottom of the pile - na dnie stosu
Another method could be to monitor the recruitment process and ensure that resumés bearing foreign sounding names are not placed at the bottom of the pile.
counterpart - odpowiednik
Foreign-born graduates of Swedish universities have less chance of finding a job that equates to their qualifications than their Sweden-born counterparts.
get accused of - zostać oskarżonym o
I think Swedes are shocked when they get accused of discriminating against foreigners, because they see themselves as a very diverse and accepting nation
obstacles - przeszkody
Despite the obstacles, many do find employment in Sweden after graduation and actually find themselves over qualified for the jobs they are doing.
significant - znaczący, znaczny, istotny
No significant differences were noted between women and men.
respective - poszczególny
None of the countries studied showed equal levels of employment between those born in the respective country and those born outside.
recruitment - rekrutacja, proces zatrudnienia
at the bottom of the pile - na dnie stosu
Another method could be to monitor the recruitment process and ensure that resumés bearing foreign sounding names are not placed at the bottom of the pile.
nauka angielskiego,
piątek, 20 marca 2009
Artykuł EU aims to double emergency cash
urgent - pilny, natychmiastowy
The EU has said it may double to 50bn euros (£47bn; $68bn) the amount of emergency funding to help member states that need urgent budget support.
tentatively - wstępnie, niezobowiązująco
EU leaders also tentatively agreed to help boost the International Monetary Fund's resources to $500bn (£344bn).
to outdo - prześcigać
Trying to outdo one another with promises will certainly not bring any calm to the situation
repetition - powtórzenie
part of a plan to avoid any repetition of the winter gas crisis that hit much of Central and Eastern Europe in January
to oppose - sprzeciwiać się
Germany had opposed giving the project public money.
to be among - być wśród, pomiędzy
Mr Barroso said Hungary would be among the main beneficiaries.
The EU has said it may double to 50bn euros (£47bn; $68bn) the amount of emergency funding to help member states that need urgent budget support.
tentatively - wstępnie, niezobowiązująco
EU leaders also tentatively agreed to help boost the International Monetary Fund's resources to $500bn (£344bn).
to outdo - prześcigać
Trying to outdo one another with promises will certainly not bring any calm to the situation
repetition - powtórzenie
part of a plan to avoid any repetition of the winter gas crisis that hit much of Central and Eastern Europe in January
to oppose - sprzeciwiać się
Germany had opposed giving the project public money.
to be among - być wśród, pomiędzy
Mr Barroso said Hungary would be among the main beneficiaries.
nauka angielskiego,
czwartek, 19 marca 2009
Artykuł Raviv Method to Offer First U.S. Practitioner Training Course
attention deficits - zaburzenia uwagi
Novel approach improves reading and attention deficits in children and adults.
deficiency - niedobór, brak
he course is open to special needs professionals and educators, parents of children with attention or learning difficulties, or those interested in therapeutic treatment for cognitive deficiencies.
developed by - opracowana przez (kogoś)
Developed by Nili Raviv nearly 14 years ago, the Raviv Method is effective for individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, as well as neurological problems like AD(H)D and conditions resulting from brain damage.
permamently improving - stale ulepszać
to contravene - naruszać
core - jądro, podstawa
The Method is based on permanently improving the coordination and synchronization of the brain's neural systems and changing the way the brain functions, contravening traditional methods which teach people to cope with their disabilities rather than dealing with the problem at its core.
to comprise - składać się, zawierać
The practitioner training course comprises three core modules that provide a basic understanding of the brain's functions
self esteem - poczucie własnej wartości
anxiety - obawa, niepokój
the method has been found to improve behavior and organizational skills and self esteem and to lower anxiety
Novel approach improves reading and attention deficits in children and adults.
deficiency - niedobór, brak
he course is open to special needs professionals and educators, parents of children with attention or learning difficulties, or those interested in therapeutic treatment for cognitive deficiencies.
developed by - opracowana przez (kogoś)
Developed by Nili Raviv nearly 14 years ago, the Raviv Method is effective for individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, as well as neurological problems like AD(H)D and conditions resulting from brain damage.
permamently improving - stale ulepszać
to contravene - naruszać
core - jądro, podstawa
The Method is based on permanently improving the coordination and synchronization of the brain's neural systems and changing the way the brain functions, contravening traditional methods which teach people to cope with their disabilities rather than dealing with the problem at its core.
to comprise - składać się, zawierać
The practitioner training course comprises three core modules that provide a basic understanding of the brain's functions
self esteem - poczucie własnej wartości
anxiety - obawa, niepokój
the method has been found to improve behavior and organizational skills and self esteem and to lower anxiety
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Dollar slides after US Fed plan
major currencies - główne waluty (np EUR, GBP, CHF)
The dollar has fallen against all major currencies after the US Federal Reserve announced a plan to buy $1.2tn (£843bn) of debt to boost its economy.
Great Depression - Wielka Kryzys z lat 1929 - 1933
The Fed said on Wednesday that it would buy long-term government debt and expand purchases of mortgage-related debt to help stimulate an economy in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
apparent - pozorny, widoczny
"Why have this new spending spree at all?" she said. "The answer may be that the Fed - and the administration more generally - is concerned that the apparent improvement in credit conditions the past few months is a false dawn.
step up - zwiększać, wzmagać, podwyższać (stopniowo)
Japan said on Wednesday it would step up its purchases of government debt.
The dollar has fallen against all major currencies after the US Federal Reserve announced a plan to buy $1.2tn (£843bn) of debt to boost its economy.
Great Depression - Wielka Kryzys z lat 1929 - 1933
The Fed said on Wednesday that it would buy long-term government debt and expand purchases of mortgage-related debt to help stimulate an economy in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
apparent - pozorny, widoczny
"Why have this new spending spree at all?" she said. "The answer may be that the Fed - and the administration more generally - is concerned that the apparent improvement in credit conditions the past few months is a false dawn.
step up - zwiększać, wzmagać, podwyższać (stopniowo)
Japan said on Wednesday it would step up its purchases of government debt.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Iceland interest rates cut to 17%
financial aid package - pakiet pomocy finansowej
The rate cut is the first since Iceland agreed a $10bn financial aid package with the International Monetary Fund.
the weight of debt - ciężar zadłużenia
leading - prowadząc
Iceland's financial system collapsed in October under the weight of debt, leading to a currency crisis, rising unemployment and public protests.
meltdown - załamanie, upadek
The country's currency, the krona, has stabilised since the October meltdown.
The rate cut is the first since Iceland agreed a $10bn financial aid package with the International Monetary Fund.
the weight of debt - ciężar zadłużenia
leading - prowadząc
Iceland's financial system collapsed in October under the weight of debt, leading to a currency crisis, rising unemployment and public protests.
meltdown - załamanie, upadek
The country's currency, the krona, has stabilised since the October meltdown.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł English skills help Swedes go global
english skills - zajomość języka angielskiego
English skills help Swedes go global
proficiency - biegłość, fachowość, wprawa
good English proficiency is crucial in helping the country adapt to a globalized world
to be appointed - zostać mianowanym, zostać desygnowanym
A couple of years ago the American Stuart Graham was appointed CEO of the Swedish construction company Skanska and moved from New York to Stockholm.
decent - przyzwoity
thanks to education and American influence in popular culture Swedes generally have a decent level of English.
forestry - leśnictwo
But he learned some German to be able to travel and buy new forestry equipment.
sufficient skill - wystarczający poziom, wystarczające umiejętności
Thirty-eight per cent of EU citizens state that they have sufficient skills in English to have a conversation
three out of four citizens - trzech na czterech obywateli
Even in the countries with the lowest support, Portugal and Greece, three out of four citizens consider language skills to be useful.
widespread - szeroko rozpowszechniony
in vain - na próżno, na darmo
Some Swedish authorities fight the widespread use of English in companies and universities. I think it is a fight in vain.
English skills help Swedes go global
proficiency - biegłość, fachowość, wprawa
good English proficiency is crucial in helping the country adapt to a globalized world
to be appointed - zostać mianowanym, zostać desygnowanym
A couple of years ago the American Stuart Graham was appointed CEO of the Swedish construction company Skanska and moved from New York to Stockholm.
decent - przyzwoity
thanks to education and American influence in popular culture Swedes generally have a decent level of English.
forestry - leśnictwo
But he learned some German to be able to travel and buy new forestry equipment.
sufficient skill - wystarczający poziom, wystarczające umiejętności
Thirty-eight per cent of EU citizens state that they have sufficient skills in English to have a conversation
three out of four citizens - trzech na czterech obywateli
Even in the countries with the lowest support, Portugal and Greece, three out of four citizens consider language skills to be useful.
widespread - szeroko rozpowszechniony
in vain - na próżno, na darmo
Some Swedish authorities fight the widespread use of English in companies and universities. I think it is a fight in vain.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Surprise jump in unemployment
according to - według, zgodnie z
workforce - pracownicy (ludzie zdolni do pracy)
to be out of job - być bez pracy
According to new figures published Thursday by Statistics Sweden (SCB), 387,000 people, or 8.0 percent of Sweden’s workforce, were out of a job in February.
labour market - rynek pracy
The labour market seems to be declining faster than we expected and we had thought we had gone pretty far when made our forecasts.
top out - osiągnąć maksimum
The number of people employed in February topped out at 4,460,000, which is 76,000 fewer people than the same period last year.
workforce - pracownicy (ludzie zdolni do pracy)
to be out of job - być bez pracy
According to new figures published Thursday by Statistics Sweden (SCB), 387,000 people, or 8.0 percent of Sweden’s workforce, were out of a job in February.
labour market - rynek pracy
The labour market seems to be declining faster than we expected and we had thought we had gone pretty far when made our forecasts.
top out - osiągnąć maksimum
The number of people employed in February topped out at 4,460,000, which is 76,000 fewer people than the same period last year.
nauka angielskiego,
środa, 18 marca 2009
Artykuł Outlook for Swiss economy worsens
outlook - perspektywy
to worsen - pogarszać się
Outlook for Swiss economy worsens
gross domestic product - produkt krajowy brutto
The Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) had previously forecast an 0.8% drop in gross domestic product (GDP).
in the adverse case - w przeciwnym wypadku
lengthen - wydłużyć się
In the adverse case of a further downward spiral between financial and real economies, and a further economic downturn in the US and the EU in 2010, the recession in Switzerland would also deepen and lengthen.
to wrap - owijać, pakować
The firm (Lindt), well-known for its chocolate Easter Bunnies wrapped in gold foil, said sales were likely to increase by between 2% and 5% - short of its target of between 6% and 8%.
tax evasion - uchylanie się od podatków
Earlier this week, Switzerland said that in line with OECD rules, it would now respond to overseas requests for information in cases of suspected tax evasion, and not just tax fraud.
tax havens - raje podatkowe
Before the announcement, Switzerland had risked being added to the OECD's global blacklist of uncooperative tax havens.
to worsen - pogarszać się
Outlook for Swiss economy worsens
gross domestic product - produkt krajowy brutto
The Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) had previously forecast an 0.8% drop in gross domestic product (GDP).
in the adverse case - w przeciwnym wypadku
lengthen - wydłużyć się
In the adverse case of a further downward spiral between financial and real economies, and a further economic downturn in the US and the EU in 2010, the recession in Switzerland would also deepen and lengthen.
to wrap - owijać, pakować
The firm (Lindt), well-known for its chocolate Easter Bunnies wrapped in gold foil, said sales were likely to increase by between 2% and 5% - short of its target of between 6% and 8%.
tax evasion - uchylanie się od podatków
Earlier this week, Switzerland said that in line with OECD rules, it would now respond to overseas requests for information in cases of suspected tax evasion, and not just tax fraud.
tax havens - raje podatkowe
Before the announcement, Switzerland had risked being added to the OECD's global blacklist of uncooperative tax havens.
nauka angielskiego,
wtorek, 17 marca 2009
Artykuł Each UK job 'chased by 10 people'
vacancy - wolny etat, wakat
There is an average of 10 jobseekers for every vacancy advertised in UK jobcentre
to match - pokrywać się, pasować
decline - spadek
Rising unemployment has been matched by an equally shocking decline in job vacancies
workforce - pracownicy
The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) estimated last week that UK unemployment would reach 3.2 million - or just over 10% of the workforce - by the second half of next year.
consecutive - kolejny
This met the widely accepted definition of a recession - two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth.
There is an average of 10 jobseekers for every vacancy advertised in UK jobcentre
to match - pokrywać się, pasować
decline - spadek
Rising unemployment has been matched by an equally shocking decline in job vacancies
workforce - pracownicy
The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) estimated last week that UK unemployment would reach 3.2 million - or just over 10% of the workforce - by the second half of next year.
consecutive - kolejny
This met the widely accepted definition of a recession - two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Nokia to cut 1,700 jobs worldwide
to shed - pozbyć się, rzucić, gubić, porzucać
Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, has announced plans to shed 1,700 jobs worldwide
altogether - generalnie, całkowicie
Altogether, these plans will affect approximately 1,700 employees globally.
head office - centrala, siedziba główna
She said about 700 jobs will go in Finland, with the US and the UK, where its head office is based in Farnborough, Hampshire, the next hardest hit.
Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, has announced plans to shed 1,700 jobs worldwide
altogether - generalnie, całkowicie
Altogether, these plans will affect approximately 1,700 employees globally.
head office - centrala, siedziba główna
She said about 700 jobs will go in Finland, with the US and the UK, where its head office is based in Farnborough, Hampshire, the next hardest hit.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Swiss recession worst in 30 years, IMF predicts
International Monetary Fund - Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy
to predict - przewidywać, prognozwać
Now the International Monetary Fund is predicting the worst performance for the Swiss economy in three decades
considerably - znacznie, znacząco
That is considerably higher than the minus one percent contraction anticipated for 2009 by the Swiss National Bank in December
gloomy - ponury, smutny
the IMF expectations come just days before the Swiss National Bank updates its interest rate policy and economic forecast on Thursday, against a background of increasingly gloomy economic news for the nation
resilient - prężny
Domestic consumer spending, which has until recently been resilient, will also rise if jobless claims continue to grow, the federal government said in a statement following the IMF forecast.
to signal - dać znak
willingness - chęć, gotowość
The relatively strong franc is hurting the country’s exporters and the central bank has signalled its willingness to take steps to weaken the currency.
volatility - lotność
Credit Suisse is not making any predictions for 2010 given the volatility of economic factors around the world.
rebound - odbić się
housing market “bubble,” - bańka spekulacyjna na rynku nieruchomości
He cited the lack of a housing market “bubble,” the absence of a credit crunch and the presence of a strong social safety net to absorb the shock of higher employment as reasons to believe in Switzerland's potential for a rapid rebound.
to predict - przewidywać, prognozwać
Now the International Monetary Fund is predicting the worst performance for the Swiss economy in three decades
considerably - znacznie, znacząco
That is considerably higher than the minus one percent contraction anticipated for 2009 by the Swiss National Bank in December
gloomy - ponury, smutny
the IMF expectations come just days before the Swiss National Bank updates its interest rate policy and economic forecast on Thursday, against a background of increasingly gloomy economic news for the nation
resilient - prężny
Domestic consumer spending, which has until recently been resilient, will also rise if jobless claims continue to grow, the federal government said in a statement following the IMF forecast.
to signal - dać znak
willingness - chęć, gotowość
The relatively strong franc is hurting the country’s exporters and the central bank has signalled its willingness to take steps to weaken the currency.
volatility - lotność
Credit Suisse is not making any predictions for 2010 given the volatility of economic factors around the world.
rebound - odbić się
housing market “bubble,” - bańka spekulacyjna na rynku nieruchomości
He cited the lack of a housing market “bubble,” the absence of a credit crunch and the presence of a strong social safety net to absorb the shock of higher employment as reasons to believe in Switzerland's potential for a rapid rebound.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Wise currency position yields profit for Sweden's Debt Office
to be convinced - być przekonanym
to sustain - utrzymywać
We were convinced that it would not be possible to sustain such a weak dollar.
in the wake of something - w następstwie czegoś, w ślad za czymś
The strong demand for the dollar in the wake of the crisis also aided a significant strengthening of the dollar, which was more rapid than we had expected
gain - zysk
burden - ciężar, brzemię
The gains reduced the costs of the government's interest burden, which amounted to 33 billion kronor in 2008, according to the Debt Office.
yield - dostarczyć
In addition, the Debt Office reported that its active management of foreign currency holdings yielded gains of 500 million kronor in 2008.
to sustain - utrzymywać
We were convinced that it would not be possible to sustain such a weak dollar.
in the wake of something - w następstwie czegoś, w ślad za czymś
The strong demand for the dollar in the wake of the crisis also aided a significant strengthening of the dollar, which was more rapid than we had expected
gain - zysk
burden - ciężar, brzemię
The gains reduced the costs of the government's interest burden, which amounted to 33 billion kronor in 2008, according to the Debt Office.
yield - dostarczyć
In addition, the Debt Office reported that its active management of foreign currency holdings yielded gains of 500 million kronor in 2008.
nauka angielskiego,
niedziela, 15 marca 2009
Artykuł G20 make pledge to restore growth
pull out - wyciągnąć
sustained effort - trwały, ciągły wysiłek
Finance ministers from the G20 group of rich and emerging nations have pledged to make a "sustained effort" to pull the world economy out of recession.
comprehensive - wszechstronny, całościowy
We have taken decisive and comprehensive action to boost demand and jobs
indicate - wskazywać
Yet Mr Steinbrueck again indicated that Germany was concerned about the expense of further stimulus packages.
burden - ciężar, brzemię, obciążenie
Public debt is a heavy burden for our children and grandchildren and there will have to be an exit strategy
sustained effort - trwały, ciągły wysiłek
Finance ministers from the G20 group of rich and emerging nations have pledged to make a "sustained effort" to pull the world economy out of recession.
comprehensive - wszechstronny, całościowy
We have taken decisive and comprehensive action to boost demand and jobs
indicate - wskazywać
Yet Mr Steinbrueck again indicated that Germany was concerned about the expense of further stimulus packages.
burden - ciężar, brzemię, obciążenie
Public debt is a heavy burden for our children and grandchildren and there will have to be an exit strategy
nauka angielskiego,
piątek, 13 marca 2009
Artykuł Science Literacy - American Adults 'Flunk' Basic Science, Says Survey
survey - ankieta, badanie
A new national survey commissioned by the California Academy of Sciences and conducted by Harris Interactive says that the U.S. public is unable to pass even a basic scientific literacy test.
research - badanie naukowe (to research - badać, studiować, analizować)
The good news; U.S. adults do believe that scientific research and education are important.
to propel - dać bodziec, popchnąć
People are starting to realize that innovation and industry - not making cheap mortgages a government mandated right - are what propels successful economies.
revolve - krążyć, okrążyć
Only 53% of adults know how long it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun.
to conduct - przeprowadzić (badanie)
This survey was conducted by telephone within the United States by Harris Interactive
A new national survey commissioned by the California Academy of Sciences and conducted by Harris Interactive says that the U.S. public is unable to pass even a basic scientific literacy test.
research - badanie naukowe (to research - badać, studiować, analizować)
The good news; U.S. adults do believe that scientific research and education are important.
to propel - dać bodziec, popchnąć
People are starting to realize that innovation and industry - not making cheap mortgages a government mandated right - are what propels successful economies.
revolve - krążyć, okrążyć
Only 53% of adults know how long it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun.
to conduct - przeprowadzić (badanie)
This survey was conducted by telephone within the United States by Harris Interactive
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Will euro save Eastern Europe?
slajd - spadek
Crisis-hit economies in Central and Eastern Europe have seen their national currencies slide against the euro
argue - przekonywać
Many argue, though, that the other new EU countries are not strong and flexible enough to join the eurozone.
reluctant - niechętny, oporny
backer - zwolennik, poplecznik
But conservative President Lech Kaczynski is a reluctant backer.
to determine - wyznaczyć
monetary policy - polityka pieniężna / monetarna
Having a national currency would enable Poland to determine its own monetary policy, President Kaczynski pointed out.
to withstand - wytrzymać próbę, stawić opór
The economies that want to adopt the euro must first become strong and flexible enough to withstand a new financial or economic crisis without being able to implement specific monetary measures, as these powers would be exercised exclusively by the European Central Bank (ECB)
to comply with - stosować się do czegoś, dostosować się
Stability and Growth Pact - Pakt Stabilności i Wzrostu (UE)
impose - narzucić, nakazywać
to curb - ograniczać
Countries in the eurozone are expected to comply with the Stability and Growth Pact, seen as a tool to impose budget discipline, including curbing inflation and keeping budget deficits below 3%.
simultaneously - jednocześnie
"The inflation criteria and the exchange rate stability criteria are just not possible for these countries in this situation to meet simultaneously," she says. "Unless they get lucky."
saviour - zbawca, zbawiciel
The euro has successfully established itself as a global currency. It now looks like it could be asked to take on larger role of a saviour of troubled economies
Crisis-hit economies in Central and Eastern Europe have seen their national currencies slide against the euro
argue - przekonywać
Many argue, though, that the other new EU countries are not strong and flexible enough to join the eurozone.
reluctant - niechętny, oporny
backer - zwolennik, poplecznik
But conservative President Lech Kaczynski is a reluctant backer.
to determine - wyznaczyć
monetary policy - polityka pieniężna / monetarna
Having a national currency would enable Poland to determine its own monetary policy, President Kaczynski pointed out.
to withstand - wytrzymać próbę, stawić opór
The economies that want to adopt the euro must first become strong and flexible enough to withstand a new financial or economic crisis without being able to implement specific monetary measures, as these powers would be exercised exclusively by the European Central Bank (ECB)
to comply with - stosować się do czegoś, dostosować się
Stability and Growth Pact - Pakt Stabilności i Wzrostu (UE)
impose - narzucić, nakazywać
to curb - ograniczać
Countries in the eurozone are expected to comply with the Stability and Growth Pact, seen as a tool to impose budget discipline, including curbing inflation and keeping budget deficits below 3%.
simultaneously - jednocześnie
"The inflation criteria and the exchange rate stability criteria are just not possible for these countries in this situation to meet simultaneously," she says. "Unless they get lucky."
saviour - zbawca, zbawiciel
The euro has successfully established itself as a global currency. It now looks like it could be asked to take on larger role of a saviour of troubled economies
european union,
nauka angielskiego,
unia europejska
czwartek, 12 marca 2009
Kilka porad dotyczących nauki języka angielskiego z world-english.org - jak nauczyć się języka angielskiego
Speak without Fear czyli nie bój się mówić
Największą przeszkodą na drodze do nauki języka obcego jest własny strach. Często ludzie przejmują się tym, iż mówią niepoprawnie, że wygląda to głupio i nie mówią wcale. Nie rób tego. Najszybszą drogą do nauczenia się czegokolwiek jest robienie tego tak długo aż będziesz to potrafił robić dobrze. Tak jak wszystko inne, nauka angielskiego wymaga praktyki. Nie pozwól aby niewielki strach powstrzymał cię przed osiągnięciem tego czego pragniesz.
Use all your Resources czyli wykorzystaj wszystkie możliwości
Nawet jeżeli uczysz się angielskiego w szkole języków obcych, nie znaczy to, że nie możesz się go uczyć poza zajęciami. Użycie jak największej ilości różnych źródeł, metod i narzędzi pozwoli ci uczyć się szybciej. Istnieje wiele różnych na poprawienie angielskiego, więc nie ograniczaj się do tylko jednej czy dwóch. Internet jest fantastycznym do robienia wirtualnie wielu rzeczy, ale do uczenia się języków obcych jest wręcz idealny.
Surround Yourself with English czyli otocz się angielskim
Najlepszym sposobem na nauczenie się języka angielskiego jest otoczenie się nim. Rób notatki po angielsku, poukładaj angielskojęzyczne książki i czasopisma w Twoim pokoju, słuchaj anglojęzycznego radia, oglądaj anglojęzyczne wiadomości, filmy i telewizję. Mów po angielsku ze znajomymi, kiedy to możliwe. Im więcej materiałów po angielsku będziesz miał w pobliży, tym szbciej się nauczysz i bardzo prawdopodbne, że zaczniesz myśleć po angielsku.
Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible czyli słuchaj anglików, amerykanów, australijczyków, itd tak często jak to możliwe
Jest wielu dobrych nauczycieli angielskiego, którzy nauczyli się go jako drugi język. Jednak istnieje kilka powodów, dla których szkoły wolą zatrudniać rodzimych użytkowników języka. Jednym z powodów jest naturalna płynność mówienia, którą uczący się powinni naśladować. Im bliżej tego rytmu będzą uczący się, tym bardziej będą się czuli pewni siebie i komfortowo mówiąc po angielsku.
Watch English Films and Television czyli oglądaj angielskie filmy i telewizję
To nie jest tylko przyjemniejszy sposób nauki, ale także bardzo wydajny. Poprzez oglądanie angielskich filmów (szczególnie tych z angielskimi napisami) można poszerzyć swoje słownictwo i słuchać rytmu wymowy aktorów. Oglądając wiadomości można także poznać różne akcenty.
Listen to English Music czyli słuchaj angielskiej muzyki
Słuchanie muzyki może być bardzo wydajną formą nauki angielskiego. Jest często używane w celu polepszenia rozumienia. najlepszym sposobem jest użycie tekstu piosenki i czytanie go wraz z artystą, który śpiewa.
Study as often as possible czyli ucz się tak często jak to możliwe
Tylko przez uczenie się takich rzeczy jak gramatyka i słownictwa można naprawdę udoskonalić wiedzę na temat języków obcych.
Do Exercises and Take Tests czyli rób ćwiczenia i testy
Wielu ludzi sądzi, że ćwiczenia i testy nie są ciekawe. Jednak, przez rozwiązywanie ćwiczeń i przechodzenie testów można naprawdę polepszyć swój angielski. Jednym z dobrych powodów do robienia wielu ćwiczeń i testów, jest to, że dają ocenę, którą można potem porównać. Często, przez porównanie ocen, które dostałeś wczoraj z tymi, które dostałeś 6 miesięcy temu, możesz zdać sobie sprawę z tego jak wiele się nauczyłeś. Jeżeli nigdy nie sprawdzasz swoich umiejętności, nie dowiesz się jakie postępy robisz. Zacznij robić testy i sprawdź za pare dni jakie postępy zrobiłeś. Rób to, a na pewno zrobisz postępy w nauce angielskiego.
Record Yourself czyli nagraj siebie
Nikt nie lubi słyszeć swojego głosu, ale tak samo jak z testami, dobrze jest porównać nagrania od czasu do czasu. Możesz się zdziwić jakie postępy robisz.
Listen to English czyli słuchaj angielskiego
Mamy przez to na myśli - mów przez telefon, słuchaj radia, audiobook'ów po angielsku. Różni się to od oglądania telewizji, bo nie można zobaczyć osoby, która mówi. Wiele osób uczących się angielskiego mówi, że rozmawianie przez telefon jest jedną z najtrudniejszych rzeczy. Jedyną drogą do polepszenia tego, są ćwiczenia.
Have fun!
P.S. Każdy lubi coś innego, ale każdy może znaleźć coś dla siebie. Warto zacząć choćby od oglądania filmów ściągniętych z rapidshare ;)
Największą przeszkodą na drodze do nauki języka obcego jest własny strach. Często ludzie przejmują się tym, iż mówią niepoprawnie, że wygląda to głupio i nie mówią wcale. Nie rób tego. Najszybszą drogą do nauczenia się czegokolwiek jest robienie tego tak długo aż będziesz to potrafił robić dobrze. Tak jak wszystko inne, nauka angielskiego wymaga praktyki. Nie pozwól aby niewielki strach powstrzymał cię przed osiągnięciem tego czego pragniesz.
Use all your Resources czyli wykorzystaj wszystkie możliwości
Nawet jeżeli uczysz się angielskiego w szkole języków obcych, nie znaczy to, że nie możesz się go uczyć poza zajęciami. Użycie jak największej ilości różnych źródeł, metod i narzędzi pozwoli ci uczyć się szybciej. Istnieje wiele różnych na poprawienie angielskiego, więc nie ograniczaj się do tylko jednej czy dwóch. Internet jest fantastycznym do robienia wirtualnie wielu rzeczy, ale do uczenia się języków obcych jest wręcz idealny.
Surround Yourself with English czyli otocz się angielskim
Najlepszym sposobem na nauczenie się języka angielskiego jest otoczenie się nim. Rób notatki po angielsku, poukładaj angielskojęzyczne książki i czasopisma w Twoim pokoju, słuchaj anglojęzycznego radia, oglądaj anglojęzyczne wiadomości, filmy i telewizję. Mów po angielsku ze znajomymi, kiedy to możliwe. Im więcej materiałów po angielsku będziesz miał w pobliży, tym szbciej się nauczysz i bardzo prawdopodbne, że zaczniesz myśleć po angielsku.
Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible czyli słuchaj anglików, amerykanów, australijczyków, itd tak często jak to możliwe
Jest wielu dobrych nauczycieli angielskiego, którzy nauczyli się go jako drugi język. Jednak istnieje kilka powodów, dla których szkoły wolą zatrudniać rodzimych użytkowników języka. Jednym z powodów jest naturalna płynność mówienia, którą uczący się powinni naśladować. Im bliżej tego rytmu będzą uczący się, tym bardziej będą się czuli pewni siebie i komfortowo mówiąc po angielsku.
Watch English Films and Television czyli oglądaj angielskie filmy i telewizję
To nie jest tylko przyjemniejszy sposób nauki, ale także bardzo wydajny. Poprzez oglądanie angielskich filmów (szczególnie tych z angielskimi napisami) można poszerzyć swoje słownictwo i słuchać rytmu wymowy aktorów. Oglądając wiadomości można także poznać różne akcenty.
Listen to English Music czyli słuchaj angielskiej muzyki
Słuchanie muzyki może być bardzo wydajną formą nauki angielskiego. Jest często używane w celu polepszenia rozumienia. najlepszym sposobem jest użycie tekstu piosenki i czytanie go wraz z artystą, który śpiewa.
Study as often as possible czyli ucz się tak często jak to możliwe
Tylko przez uczenie się takich rzeczy jak gramatyka i słownictwa można naprawdę udoskonalić wiedzę na temat języków obcych.
Do Exercises and Take Tests czyli rób ćwiczenia i testy
Wielu ludzi sądzi, że ćwiczenia i testy nie są ciekawe. Jednak, przez rozwiązywanie ćwiczeń i przechodzenie testów można naprawdę polepszyć swój angielski. Jednym z dobrych powodów do robienia wielu ćwiczeń i testów, jest to, że dają ocenę, którą można potem porównać. Często, przez porównanie ocen, które dostałeś wczoraj z tymi, które dostałeś 6 miesięcy temu, możesz zdać sobie sprawę z tego jak wiele się nauczyłeś. Jeżeli nigdy nie sprawdzasz swoich umiejętności, nie dowiesz się jakie postępy robisz. Zacznij robić testy i sprawdź za pare dni jakie postępy zrobiłeś. Rób to, a na pewno zrobisz postępy w nauce angielskiego.
Record Yourself czyli nagraj siebie
Nikt nie lubi słyszeć swojego głosu, ale tak samo jak z testami, dobrze jest porównać nagrania od czasu do czasu. Możesz się zdziwić jakie postępy robisz.
Listen to English czyli słuchaj angielskiego
Mamy przez to na myśli - mów przez telefon, słuchaj radia, audiobook'ów po angielsku. Różni się to od oglądania telewizji, bo nie można zobaczyć osoby, która mówi. Wiele osób uczących się angielskiego mówi, że rozmawianie przez telefon jest jedną z najtrudniejszych rzeczy. Jedyną drogą do polepszenia tego, są ćwiczenia.
Have fun!
P.S. Każdy lubi coś innego, ale każdy może znaleźć coś dla siebie. Warto zacząć choćby od oglądania filmów ściągniętych z rapidshare ;)
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł EU needs 'brutal' science advice
to follow - podążać (za), iść w ślad, śledzić
step up - włożyć w coś więcej wysiłku, zwiększyć, podnosić (poziom)
Professor John Beddington said that Europe should follow the US president's lead and step up its scientific agenda.
line-up - program, plan
Compared with the new Washington line-up, European science advice looks very deficient
plethora - mnóstwo
world-renowned - światowej sławy, renomy
Working with him will be a plethora of world-renowned scientists, including two Nobel Prize winners.
scrutinise - szczegółowo badać, oceniać krytycznie
Their job is to be an independent - and sometimes irritating voice - for ministers, scrutinising policy and, if they feel it is unworkable, saying so.
step up - włożyć w coś więcej wysiłku, zwiększyć, podnosić (poziom)
Professor John Beddington said that Europe should follow the US president's lead and step up its scientific agenda.
line-up - program, plan
Compared with the new Washington line-up, European science advice looks very deficient
plethora - mnóstwo
world-renowned - światowej sławy, renomy
Working with him will be a plethora of world-renowned scientists, including two Nobel Prize winners.
scrutinise - szczegółowo badać, oceniać krytycznie
Their job is to be an independent - and sometimes irritating voice - for ministers, scrutinising policy and, if they feel it is unworkable, saying so.
european union,
nauka angielskiego,
unia europejska
środa, 11 marca 2009
Lektura The Autobiography of Charles Darwin (część IV)
intimate - bliski
and with whom I became extremely intimate
indelible - niezatarty, niezmywalny
I am surprised what an indelible impression many of the beetles which I caught at Cambridge have left on my mind.
to know every branch of science - znać każdą gałąź nauki
to reverence - czcić, szanować, okazywać szacuncek
I had heard of him from my brother as a man who knew every branch of science, and I was accordingly prepared to reverence him.
don - nauczyciel akademicki
I was called by some of the dons "the man who walks with Henslow;"
tinge - odcień, zabarwienie
vanity - próźność
He was free from every tinge of vanity or other petty feeling
to rouse - pobudzić, poderwać, zbudzić
indignation - oburzenie
he could be roused by any bad action to the warmest indignation
dense - gęsty
glimpse - rzucić okiem, ujrzeć (na moment)
the crowd was so dense that I got only a few momentary glimpses of the wretched creatures
trifling - nieistotny, drobny, mały
I cannot resist mentioning a trifling incident
to infer - wnioskować, dedukować
Looking back, I infer that there must have been something in me a little superior to the common run of youths
preposterous - niedorzeczny
I remember one of my sporting friends, Turner, who saw me at work with my beetles, saying that I should some day be a Fellow of the Royal Society, and the notion seemed to me preposterous.
to endeavour - usiłować, starać się
some of the party declared they would endeavour to go there
and with whom I became extremely intimate
indelible - niezatarty, niezmywalny
I am surprised what an indelible impression many of the beetles which I caught at Cambridge have left on my mind.
to know every branch of science - znać każdą gałąź nauki
to reverence - czcić, szanować, okazywać szacuncek
I had heard of him from my brother as a man who knew every branch of science, and I was accordingly prepared to reverence him.
don - nauczyciel akademicki
I was called by some of the dons "the man who walks with Henslow;"
tinge - odcień, zabarwienie
vanity - próźność
He was free from every tinge of vanity or other petty feeling
to rouse - pobudzić, poderwać, zbudzić
indignation - oburzenie
he could be roused by any bad action to the warmest indignation
dense - gęsty
glimpse - rzucić okiem, ujrzeć (na moment)
the crowd was so dense that I got only a few momentary glimpses of the wretched creatures
trifling - nieistotny, drobny, mały
I cannot resist mentioning a trifling incident
to infer - wnioskować, dedukować
Looking back, I infer that there must have been something in me a little superior to the common run of youths
preposterous - niedorzeczny
I remember one of my sporting friends, Turner, who saw me at work with my beetles, saying that I should some day be a Fellow of the Royal Society, and the notion seemed to me preposterous.
to endeavour - usiłować, starać się
some of the party declared they would endeavour to go there
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Tax violent video games to beat knife crime, says Damilola Taylor's father
to levy - nakładać, pobierać (podatek)
Gordon Brown should levy a tax on violent video games to help tackle knife crime
to sadden - zasmucić, smucić
negative impact - negatywny wpływ
Richard Taylor said he was “saddened” when he saw youngsters buying games that had a “negative impact” on their behaviour.
to urge - wzywać, nawoływać
he would be urging the Prime Minister to impose new taxes on the games
to bemoan - ubolewać, opłakiwać, lamentować
attitude - postawa
He bemoaned the attitude of some young people, who he said “feel that the law has no control over them."
Gordon Brown should levy a tax on violent video games to help tackle knife crime
to sadden - zasmucić, smucić
negative impact - negatywny wpływ
Richard Taylor said he was “saddened” when he saw youngsters buying games that had a “negative impact” on their behaviour.
to urge - wzywać, nawoływać
he would be urging the Prime Minister to impose new taxes on the games
to bemoan - ubolewać, opłakiwać, lamentować
attitude - postawa
He bemoaned the attitude of some young people, who he said “feel that the law has no control over them."
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Irish economy 'to contract by 6%'
to contract - kurczyć się
Irish economy 'to contract by 6%'
to average - osiągać średnio, wynosić przeciętnie
Unemployment will average about 11%
to admit - przyznawać
Mr Hurley also admitted "risks to this outlook remain to the downside" and said central banks were looking at "non-standard" policies.
look beyond - patrzeć poza (coś), poszukiwać
interest rates - stopy procentowe
Mr Hurley also revealed that the European Central Bank (ECB), which looks after monetary policy in the eurozone, is looking beyond interest rate cuts to help stimulate the economy
fell into recession - wpaść w recesję
The country officially fell into recession in September 2008, and unemployment has risen sharply in the following months.
unemployment benefit - zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
The numbers of people claiming unemployment benefit in the Irish Republic rose to 326,000 in January
Irish economy 'to contract by 6%'
to average - osiągać średnio, wynosić przeciętnie
Unemployment will average about 11%
to admit - przyznawać
Mr Hurley also admitted "risks to this outlook remain to the downside" and said central banks were looking at "non-standard" policies.
look beyond - patrzeć poza (coś), poszukiwać
interest rates - stopy procentowe
Mr Hurley also revealed that the European Central Bank (ECB), which looks after monetary policy in the eurozone, is looking beyond interest rate cuts to help stimulate the economy
fell into recession - wpaść w recesję
The country officially fell into recession in September 2008, and unemployment has risen sharply in the following months.
unemployment benefit - zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
The numbers of people claiming unemployment benefit in the Irish Republic rose to 326,000 in January
european union,
nauka angielskiego,
unia europejska
wtorek, 10 marca 2009
Artykuł Viewpoints: Lisbon Treaty impact
streamline - poprawić wydajność, zwiększyć efektywność
All but a few of the EU's 27 member states have ratified the Lisbon Treaty, which is aimed at streamlining EU institutions.
think-tank - zespół doradców, grupa naukowców
Here, as part of a series of viewpoints on EU issues, two European think-tank experts argue for and against the treaty.
European Court of Justice - Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Wspólnot Europejskich (potocznie: Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości)
They will also be able to refer the matter to the European Court of Justice.
decision-making process - proces podejmowania decyzji
It only brings in new procedures, to improve the decision-making process.
reappear - pojawiać się ponownie
Open Europe's side-by-side comparison of the two texts found that 96% of the original reappears in the Lisbon Treaty.
reveal - odsłaniać, ujawniać
And he revealed the reason for this: "Above all, it is to avoid having referendums".
soberly - trzeźwo, realnie
One judge said: "One has to ask soberly: What competences are left with the Bundestag [German lower house of parliament] in the end?"
All but a few of the EU's 27 member states have ratified the Lisbon Treaty, which is aimed at streamlining EU institutions.
think-tank - zespół doradców, grupa naukowców
Here, as part of a series of viewpoints on EU issues, two European think-tank experts argue for and against the treaty.
European Court of Justice - Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Wspólnot Europejskich (potocznie: Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości)
They will also be able to refer the matter to the European Court of Justice.
decision-making process - proces podejmowania decyzji
It only brings in new procedures, to improve the decision-making process.
reappear - pojawiać się ponownie
Open Europe's side-by-side comparison of the two texts found that 96% of the original reappears in the Lisbon Treaty.
reveal - odsłaniać, ujawniać
And he revealed the reason for this: "Above all, it is to avoid having referendums".
soberly - trzeźwo, realnie
One judge said: "One has to ask soberly: What competences are left with the Bundestag [German lower house of parliament] in the end?"
european union,
nauka angielskiego,
unia europejska
poniedziałek, 9 marca 2009
Artykuł World economy to 'shrink' in 2009
forecast - prognoza
gloomy - ponury, posępny, smutny
The bank's forecast is gloomier than other estimates, which still foresee some growth.
bystander - świadek, widz
When this crisis began, people in developing countries, especially those in Africa, were the innocent bystanders in this crisis
volatile - zmienny, niestabilny, niestały, niepewny
the World Bank voiced its concerns that aid flows will become more volatile as the economy slows
gloomy - ponury, posępny, smutny
The bank's forecast is gloomier than other estimates, which still foresee some growth.
bystander - świadek, widz
When this crisis began, people in developing countries, especially those in Africa, were the innocent bystanders in this crisis
volatile - zmienny, niestabilny, niestały, niepewny
the World Bank voiced its concerns that aid flows will become more volatile as the economy slows
nauka angielskiego,
niedziela, 8 marca 2009
Artykuł Theories Of Dyslexia
deprive - pozbawić
they are amongst those unfortunate people who have been deprived with the normal ability to read, write or learn
posit - zakładać, postulować, przypuszczać
exceedingly - przesadnie, nadmiernie
This theory posits that reading is an unnatural act, and carried out by humans for an exceedingly brief period in our evolutionary history.
impairment - upośledzenie, pogorszenie, osłabienie
dyslexics have a specific impairment in the representation, storage and/or retrieval of speech sounds
they are amongst those unfortunate people who have been deprived with the normal ability to read, write or learn
posit - zakładać, postulować, przypuszczać
exceedingly - przesadnie, nadmiernie
This theory posits that reading is an unnatural act, and carried out by humans for an exceedingly brief period in our evolutionary history.
impairment - upośledzenie, pogorszenie, osłabienie
dyslexics have a specific impairment in the representation, storage and/or retrieval of speech sounds
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Tom Cruise Again Asserts Scientology Cured His Dyslexia
dyslexia - dysleksja
pronouncement - oświadczenie
That pronouncement is that Scientology cured his dyslexia
facet - płaszczyzna, aspekt, strona
adherent - zwolennik, wyznawca
One of the most important facets of Scientology, Cruise underlines, is its ability to give its adherents special resources to solve personal problems.
anxiety - lęk, obawa
boredom - nuda, znudzenie
I would try to concentrate but I felt anxiety, frustration, boredom.
reflect - przejawiać, odbijać
manifestation - przejaw, objaw, wyraz, manifestacja
Some individuals reflect minimal problems and others have more serious manifestations.
pronouncement - oświadczenie
That pronouncement is that Scientology cured his dyslexia
facet - płaszczyzna, aspekt, strona
adherent - zwolennik, wyznawca
One of the most important facets of Scientology, Cruise underlines, is its ability to give its adherents special resources to solve personal problems.
anxiety - lęk, obawa
boredom - nuda, znudzenie
I would try to concentrate but I felt anxiety, frustration, boredom.
reflect - przejawiać, odbijać
manifestation - przejaw, objaw, wyraz, manifestacja
Some individuals reflect minimal problems and others have more serious manifestations.
nauka angielskiego,
piątek, 6 marca 2009
Artykuł Incentives boost German car sales
incentive - zachęta, bodziec
Incentives boost German car sales
get rid - pozbyć się
The main reason is a 2,500-euro ($3,143; £2,236) government incentive for car owners to get rid of their old vehicle and buy a new replacement
domestic sales - sprzedaż krajowa
We expect that, in the first quarter as a whole, domestic sales will be above the previous year's level.
Incentives boost German car sales
get rid - pozbyć się
The main reason is a 2,500-euro ($3,143; £2,236) government incentive for car owners to get rid of their old vehicle and buy a new replacement
domestic sales - sprzedaż krajowa
We expect that, in the first quarter as a whole, domestic sales will be above the previous year's level.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł Bank to pump £75bn into economy
revive - ożywić, odnowić, wznowić
The Bank of England is to create £75bn of new money in an attempt to revive lending
a fresh all-time low - rekordowo niskie (stopy procentowe), najniższy poziom
the Bank cut interest rates from 1% to 0.5% - a fresh all-time low
gilts - obligacje państwowe
Instead, it will buy assets - such as government securities (gilts)
admission - wstęp
I don't think anyone should be pleased we have reached this point. It is an admission of failure.
diminished - zmniejszony, zredukowany
Today's decision is a kick in the teeth for savers who will see their already diminished interest payments fall even further
The Bank of England is to create £75bn of new money in an attempt to revive lending
a fresh all-time low - rekordowo niskie (stopy procentowe), najniższy poziom
the Bank cut interest rates from 1% to 0.5% - a fresh all-time low
gilts - obligacje państwowe
Instead, it will buy assets - such as government securities (gilts)
admission - wstęp
I don't think anyone should be pleased we have reached this point. It is an admission of failure.
diminished - zmniejszony, zredukowany
Today's decision is a kick in the teeth for savers who will see their already diminished interest payments fall even further
nauka angielskiego,
środa, 4 marca 2009
Artykuł East Europe banks back economies
joint statement - wspólna deklaracja, oświadczenie
The central banks of the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Slovakia have issued a joint statement defending their economies.
misleading - mylący, wprwadzający w błąd
They said that recent warnings about their economies were "misleading".
scrutiny - uwaga, nadzór, bliższe przyglądanie się
Eastern European countries have come under scrutiny in recent weeks
urge - wzywać, nawoływać
The central banks urged investors to look at the prospects of individual countries and not assume that Eastern Europe was a "homogenous region".
to lump - składować
Better-off countries like Czech Republic and Poland feel that they are unfairly lumped together with places such as Hungary or Latvia, which have been particularly hard hit.
The central banks of the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Slovakia have issued a joint statement defending their economies.
misleading - mylący, wprwadzający w błąd
They said that recent warnings about their economies were "misleading".
scrutiny - uwaga, nadzór, bliższe przyglądanie się
Eastern European countries have come under scrutiny in recent weeks
urge - wzywać, nawoływać
The central banks urged investors to look at the prospects of individual countries and not assume that Eastern Europe was a "homogenous region".
to lump - składować
Better-off countries like Czech Republic and Poland feel that they are unfairly lumped together with places such as Hungary or Latvia, which have been particularly hard hit.
nauka angielskiego,
wtorek, 3 marca 2009
Artykuł Poland renews pledge to join euro early
indicate - wskazywać
Warsaw’s declaration came after Sunday’s EU summit, where some leaders indicated they would think over Hungarian proposals for reducing the two-year period candidates spent in the exchange rate mechanism-2 preparing for euro entry.
despite - mimo, pomimo
Despite the concern about central Europe’s stability, some central European officials argue that weaker eurozone countries including Ireland and Greece are in much worse shape than Poland or the Czech Republic.
at the summit - podczas szczytu, summit talks - rozmowy na szczycie
At the summit, some EU leaders indicated they were open to shortening the period spent in ERM-2.
Warsaw’s declaration came after Sunday’s EU summit, where some leaders indicated they would think over Hungarian proposals for reducing the two-year period candidates spent in the exchange rate mechanism-2 preparing for euro entry.
despite - mimo, pomimo
Despite the concern about central Europe’s stability, some central European officials argue that weaker eurozone countries including Ireland and Greece are in much worse shape than Poland or the Czech Republic.
at the summit - podczas szczytu, summit talks - rozmowy na szczycie
At the summit, some EU leaders indicated they were open to shortening the period spent in ERM-2.
nauka angielskiego,
Artykuł PC sales to suffer biggest drop
the steepest decline - najgwałtowniejszy spadek
The steepest decline to date was in 2001, when sales fell by 3.2%.
demand - popyt, wymaganie, wymagać, żądać
The fall will be the result of slowing demand due to the economic downturn and longer PC lifetimes, Gartner said.
mature markets - dojrzałe rynki (emerging markets - rynki wschodzące)
Both emerging and mature markets for PCs will be badly hit, the company said.
forecast - progrnoza, przewidywać, prognozować
Gartner forecasts that 101.4 million desktop computers will be sold this year, a fall of almost a third on 2008 sales.
estimate - szacować, oceniać
Sales of laptops, however, will rise by 9% to 155.6 million, it estimated.
The steepest decline to date was in 2001, when sales fell by 3.2%.
demand - popyt, wymaganie, wymagać, żądać
The fall will be the result of slowing demand due to the economic downturn and longer PC lifetimes, Gartner said.
mature markets - dojrzałe rynki (emerging markets - rynki wschodzące)
Both emerging and mature markets for PCs will be badly hit, the company said.
forecast - progrnoza, przewidywać, prognozować
Gartner forecasts that 101.4 million desktop computers will be sold this year, a fall of almost a third on 2008 sales.
estimate - szacować, oceniać
Sales of laptops, however, will rise by 9% to 155.6 million, it estimated.
nauka angielskiego,
poniedziałek, 2 marca 2009
Lektura artykułu EU 'consensus' to tackle crisis
unilateral - jednostronny
There was consensus on the need to avoid any unilateral protectionist measures
head off - zażegnać
rift - pęknięcie, szpara
He spoke after the summit aimed at heading off a new east-west rift.
scupper - zniweczyć, zniszczyć
President Nicolas Sarkozy's move raised fears that national protectionism could scupper hopes of recovery within the EU.
batter - miotać, targać, uderzać
Many of the newer EU members in Central and Eastern Europe have seen their financial institutions and economies battered by the downturn.
plung - nurkować, zanurzać się, topić, gwałtowny spadek
closure - zamykanie, zamknięcie
unrest - niepokój, zamieszki
They are faced with plunging currencies, factory closures and in some cases social unrest.
accusation - zarzut
President Sarkozy denied accusations of protectionism
There was consensus on the need to avoid any unilateral protectionist measures
head off - zażegnać
rift - pęknięcie, szpara
He spoke after the summit aimed at heading off a new east-west rift.
scupper - zniweczyć, zniszczyć
President Nicolas Sarkozy's move raised fears that national protectionism could scupper hopes of recovery within the EU.
batter - miotać, targać, uderzać
Many of the newer EU members in Central and Eastern Europe have seen their financial institutions and economies battered by the downturn.
plung - nurkować, zanurzać się, topić, gwałtowny spadek
closure - zamykanie, zamknięcie
unrest - niepokój, zamieszki
They are faced with plunging currencies, factory closures and in some cases social unrest.
accusation - zarzut
President Sarkozy denied accusations of protectionism
nauka angielskiego,
Lektura The Autobiography of Charles Darwin (część III)
acquaint - zapoznawać, zaznajamiać
I became acquainted with the curator of the museum
amusement - zabawa, rozrywka, radość
My summer vacations during these two years were wholly given up to amusements
knapsack - chlebak, mała torba
I took a long walking tour with two friends with knapsacks on our backs through North wales
agreeable - miły, zgodny, skłonny
and in the evening there was much very agreeable conversation, not so personal as it generally is in large family parties, together with music
swerve - skręcić, sprowadzić (na złą drogę)
I do not believe that any power on earth could
have made him swerve an inch from what he considered the right course.
clergyman - duchowny
he proposed that I should become a clergyman
divinity - teologia, boskość, bóstwo
I read with care 'Pearson on the Creed,' and a few other books on divinity
inoculate - szczepić, zaszczepić
He inoculated me with a taste for pictures and good engravings
sublimity - wzniosłość, majestatyczność, wspaniałość
Sebastian del Piombo exciting in me a sense of sublimity
I am so utterly destitute of an ear - kompletnie nie mam słuchu (muzycznego)
I became acquainted with the curator of the museum
amusement - zabawa, rozrywka, radość
My summer vacations during these two years were wholly given up to amusements
knapsack - chlebak, mała torba
I took a long walking tour with two friends with knapsacks on our backs through North wales
agreeable - miły, zgodny, skłonny
and in the evening there was much very agreeable conversation, not so personal as it generally is in large family parties, together with music
swerve - skręcić, sprowadzić (na złą drogę)
I do not believe that any power on earth could
have made him swerve an inch from what he considered the right course.
clergyman - duchowny
he proposed that I should become a clergyman
divinity - teologia, boskość, bóstwo
I read with care 'Pearson on the Creed,' and a few other books on divinity
inoculate - szczepić, zaszczepić
He inoculated me with a taste for pictures and good engravings
sublimity - wzniosłość, majestatyczność, wspaniałość
Sebastian del Piombo exciting in me a sense of sublimity
I am so utterly destitute of an ear - kompletnie nie mam słuchu (muzycznego)
nauka angielskiego,
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