wtorek, 31 marca 2009

How We Identify Letters

to consider - zastanawiać się
The next time you are reading a book, or even as you read this article, consider the words that you are seeing.

substantial - solidny
Substantial research has shown that while reading, we recognize words by their letters and not by the general shape of the word.

to differentiate - rozróżniać
However, it was largely unknown how we differentiate one letter from another.

to evaluate - oceniać, szacować
The researchers then evaluated which areas of each of the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet were crucial for letter recognition.

vertical lines - linie pionowe
curve - krzywa, łuk
For instance, the most useful feature of letters for the ideal observer were vertical lines and curves opening up and not line terminations.

Źródło: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/130949.php

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