poniedziałek, 23 lutego 2009

Lektura artykułu "Trichet Warns That Euro-Zone Financial System Is Under Strain"

strain - obciążenie, napięcie, stres
Trichet Warns That Euro-Zone Financial System Is Under Strain

reiterate - powtarzać wiele razy
He reiterated that the ECB and national central banks in the euro zone stand ready to play a larger role

severe - poważny, ciężki, dotkliwy
The financial system of the euro area, like those of other industrialized economies around the globe, is under severe strain

to hamper - utrudniać, tamować, krępować
The financial system is hampering economic recovery

interest rates - stopy procentowe
The deepening recession in the euro zone puts additional pressure on the ECB to lower interest rates

overhaul - naprawa, reorganizacja (to overhaul - restrukturyzować, reorganizować)
the spillover of problems into the real economy calls for an overhaul of the economic and financial system as a whole

to rebuff - odtrącać, odrzucać
ECB regulatory ambitions were rebuffed last week by French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde

flow - przepływ, obieg
In recent weeks we have seen the first signs of falling credit flows

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