środa, 25 lutego 2009

Lektura The Autobiography of Charles Darwin (część II)

angling - wędkarstwo
I had a strong taste for angling, and would sit for any number of hours on the bank of a river

crib - ściąga
I was not idle, and with the exception of versification, generally worked conscientiously at my classics, not using cribs.

vivid delight - żywy zachwyt
I may add that in 1822 a vivid delight in scenery was first awakened in my mind

veracity - prawdziwość
I often read, and disputed with other boys about the veracity of some of the statements

zeal - zapał
I do not believe that any one could have shown more zeal for the most holy cause than I did for shooting birds.

servant - służący, pomoc, pracownik
I was allowed to aid him as a servant in most of his experiments

to rebuke - upomnieć, zbesztać, skarcić
I was also once publicly rebuked by the head-master

commence -zaczynać, rozpoczynać
I was sent there to commence them (studies)

congenial - przyjemny, sympatyczny
the meetings had a good effect on me in stimulating my zeal and giving me new congenial acquaintances

stammer - jąkać się, zająkiwać
prodigious - zdumiewający, niesamowity
blush - czerwienić się, zarumienić się
One evening a poor young man got up, and after stammering for a prodigious length of time, blushing crimson, he at last slowly got out the words, "Mr. President, I have forgotten what I was going to say."

awe - respekt, bojaźń
reverence - szacunek, cześć
I looked at him and at the whole scene with some awe and reverence

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