sobota, 28 lutego 2009

Lektura arykułu 'Early Da Vinci portrait' found

resemble - przypominać, być podobnym
The image resembled older known portraits of Leonardo

reveal - odsłaniać, ujawniać, odkryć
The findings will be revealed on Italy's RAI television channel.

forensic science - nauki sądowe
he compared the image with known later self-portraits of Da Vinci and consulted facial surgeons and police forensic experts - all of whom agreed there were strong similarities

piątek, 27 lutego 2009

Artykuł Eastern Europe banks get bail-out

pledge - zobowiązać się, przyrzec
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Bank have pledged the investment.

retrenchment - obwarowanie
acknowledging the diversity of challenges stemming from the global financial retrenchment

mutual - wzajemny, wspólny, dwustronny
For many years the growing integration of Europe has been a source of prosperity and mutual benefit

falter - chwiać się, łamać się, załamywać się
subsidiary - filia (zależny, dodatkowy, drugorzędny)
Earlier this week, ratings agency Moody's said that faltering economic conditions in Eastern and Central Europe would hit the local subsidiaries of Western banks.

środa, 25 lutego 2009

Lektura The Autobiography of Charles Darwin (część II)

angling - wędkarstwo
I had a strong taste for angling, and would sit for any number of hours on the bank of a river

crib - ściąga
I was not idle, and with the exception of versification, generally worked conscientiously at my classics, not using cribs.

vivid delight - żywy zachwyt
I may add that in 1822 a vivid delight in scenery was first awakened in my mind

veracity - prawdziwość
I often read, and disputed with other boys about the veracity of some of the statements

zeal - zapał
I do not believe that any one could have shown more zeal for the most holy cause than I did for shooting birds.

servant - służący, pomoc, pracownik
I was allowed to aid him as a servant in most of his experiments

to rebuke - upomnieć, zbesztać, skarcić
I was also once publicly rebuked by the head-master

commence -zaczynać, rozpoczynać
I was sent there to commence them (studies)

congenial - przyjemny, sympatyczny
the meetings had a good effect on me in stimulating my zeal and giving me new congenial acquaintances

stammer - jąkać się, zająkiwać
prodigious - zdumiewający, niesamowity
blush - czerwienić się, zarumienić się
One evening a poor young man got up, and after stammering for a prodigious length of time, blushing crimson, he at last slowly got out the words, "Mr. President, I have forgotten what I was going to say."

awe - respekt, bojaźń
reverence - szacunek, cześć
I looked at him and at the whole scene with some awe and reverence

poniedziałek, 23 lutego 2009

Lektura artykułu "Trichet Warns That Euro-Zone Financial System Is Under Strain"

strain - obciążenie, napięcie, stres
Trichet Warns That Euro-Zone Financial System Is Under Strain

reiterate - powtarzać wiele razy
He reiterated that the ECB and national central banks in the euro zone stand ready to play a larger role

severe - poważny, ciężki, dotkliwy
The financial system of the euro area, like those of other industrialized economies around the globe, is under severe strain

to hamper - utrudniać, tamować, krępować
The financial system is hampering economic recovery

interest rates - stopy procentowe
The deepening recession in the euro zone puts additional pressure on the ECB to lower interest rates

overhaul - naprawa, reorganizacja (to overhaul - restrukturyzować, reorganizować)
the spillover of problems into the real economy calls for an overhaul of the economic and financial system as a whole

to rebuff - odtrącać, odrzucać
ECB regulatory ambitions were rebuffed last week by French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde

flow - przepływ, obieg
In recent weeks we have seen the first signs of falling credit flows

sobota, 21 lutego 2009

Lektura The Autobiography of Charles Darwin (część I)

to bear - nosić, wnosić
The autobiography bears the heading, 'Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Character'

slip - pomyłka (to slip - poślizngąć się)
It has been found necessary to make a few corrections of obvious verbal slips

to amuse - śmieszyć, bawić, rozśmieszać
I have thought that the attempt would amuse me

recollection - wspomnienie
my earliest recollection goes back only to when I was a few months over four years old

falsehood - kłamstwo, fałsz
I may here also confess that as a little boy I was much given to inventing deliberate falsehoods

to astonish - zadziwiać, zdumiewać
I dropped the cakes and ran for dear life, and was astonished by being greeted with shouts of laughter by my false friend Garnett

innate - wrodzony
I doubt indeed whether humanity is a natural or innate quality.

bravado - brawura
I never took more than a single egg out of a bird's nest, except on one single occasion, when I took all, not for their value, but from a sort of bravado.

czwartek, 19 lutego 2009

Lektura The Four Layers of the SEO Model (część II)

hefty - duży, ogromny, potężny
Obtain a hefty list of potential keywords using a Keyword Analyzer.

competitor - konurent, (konkurencja), współzawodnik
List the competitors in the top 5 of your most valuable keyword searches

backlinks - linki zwrotne (prowadzące do Twojego serwisu)
Run a backlink check to count inbound links and to find out what keywords they are targeting.

regardless of - bez względu na, niezależnie
Regardless of what you think you are worth per hour, it is definitely worth the investment.

invlove - zawierać, dotyczyć, wiązać się z
Optimization involves using the right keywords

dug up - usunąć, wykopać
These are the keywords we dug up in the Analyze Layer.

raise your eyebrow - zdziwić (podnosić brwi ze zdziwienia)
but the six one (creating external links) might raise your eyebrow

can get you penalized - coś może cię ukarać
Broken links on a website can get you penalized.

hesitate - wahać się
She never hesitates to include “I don’t understand” in areas that require clarification.

leverage - wykorzystywać
But the true value of web analytics can only be leveraged through a professional provider or sophisticated software.

wtorek, 17 lutego 2009

Lektura The Four Layers of the SEO Model (część I)

search engine - wyszukiwarka internetowa (np. google)
it’s about creating a search-engine friendly website at virtually no cost.

savvy - doświadczony, kumaty, wytrawny lub zmysł, obycie
You do not need to be tech-savvy to get through this eBook.

perplexing - wprawiający w zakłopotanie
If you have never used the Internet before, you may find this guide to be perplexing.

the key to success - klucz do sukcesu
The key to success in SEO is planning, executing, measuring, and not giving up.

abide - przestrzegać, dotrzymywać
if you abide them, they will guarantee you success.

poniedziałek, 16 lutego 2009

Lektura "The Wise Parent Money Strategies" (część IV)

excessively - przesadnie, nadmiernie
Do you hear any news or stories about someone who borrowed money excessively and had to declare bankruptcy as he was unable to settle all his debts?

appliance - urządzenie
People borrow money to buy a house, a car and even to buy furniture or appliances.

to strive - walczyć o coś, starać się
When you make a money plan, you have a target to strive for and you have a final destination to arrive at.

admit - przyznać (się)
If you are in debt, then admit it and do something to address that problem.

scum - przekręt, sztuczka, oszustwo
investigate and analyse which ones are the
genuine ideas and which ones are total scams

stingy - skąpy
Being frugal does not mean being stingy

to deteriorate - psuć się, rozkładać się
you also do not have to stock-up and
cause the goods to deteriorate before being consumed

Lektura "The Wise Parent Money Strategies" (część III)

convey - wyrażać, przekazać, oddawać (znaczenie, pojęcie)
I did not have to read the rest of the article as the title itself was enough to convey the rest of the message.

barely - ledwie, tylko, jedynie
For me it was a tough time, barely having enough money to pay for food.

tuition fee - czesne
Luckily my tuition fees were covered by...

misuse - niewłaściwie wykorzystywać
Don’t misused your credit card

interest charges - koszt kredytu, prowizja
In addition to the amount you pay for purchasing that something, you also have to pay additional cost on interest charges.

temptation - pokusa
By nature, human’s find it hard to avoid impulse buying when faced with temptation.

shopping mall - centrum handlowe
Avoid the shopping malls or department stores.

jot down - zanotować, zapisać
Tracking your spending is very easy to do just by keeping a small notebook to jot down the amount every time money flows out from your pocket, wallet or purse.

sway - przekonać, przekabacić
You will also think twice before being swayed easily by any marketing gimmicks.

beforehand - z góry
Have you ever notice that when you plan something beforehand it would turn out to be better compared to something that you did with no prior planning or preparation?

rigid budget - sztywny, ścisły, surowy budżet
Your budget can be flexible and not rigid.

compounding interest - procent składany (sposób oprocentowania wkładu pieniężnego, polegający na tym, że np. roczny dochód w postaci odsetek jest doliczany do wkładu i procentuje wraz z nim w roku następnym)
The good thing about it is it will continue to grow from the interest earned and through the result of compounding interest.

penniless - bez grosza przy duszy
If you don’t wish to be penniless later in life, start saving early, start now.

take something for granted - przyjmować coś za rzecz oczywistą
reckless - lekkomyślny, nierozważny
Do not take everything for granted and this will prevent you from behaving or handling your money recklessly.

complacent - zadowolony z siebie
don't be complacent and comfortable with what you are earning now

niedziela, 15 lutego 2009

Lektura "The Wise Parent Money Strategies" (część II)

living from paycheck to paycheck - życie od wypłaty do wypłaty (od pierwszego do pierwszego)

overseas holidays - wycieczka zagraniczna, wakacje za granicą
Forget about luxury things or overseas holidays.

accumulate money - zgromadzić pieniądze
What I was earning was so little it would take me forever to accumulate money to get the things I wanted.

tracking expenses - śledzenie wydatków

affordable - przystępna (cena)
If I wanted to reward myself, I do it in a realistic and affordable way.

dreaded - straszny, straszliwy
Retirement period will be a dreaded time for these people,

bundle - fortuna, duża ilość pieniędzy
In the long run, it will save you a bundle.

pot-luck dinner - wspólna (składkowa) kolacja
If you want a friend’s gathering, suggest a pot-luck dinner instead.

makeover - odnowa, przeróbka, remont
For example, a baby’s room makeover may not be necessary.

stroller - wózek dziecięcy
Initially you may postpone to buy the stroller, high chair, toys, etc. until you actually need them.

outgrow clothes - wyrastać z rzeczy
A practical advice is to just buy the minimum number of clothing as babies or young kids really outgrow their clothes very fast.

subsequent - następny, kolejny, późniejszy
Keep the clothing properly and you may find that
you can use them years later for subsequent babies.

pile up - gromadzić się
then that is where debt begins to pile up.

abode - miejsce zamieszkania, siedziba, miejsce pobytu
If you don’t have that money then you may have to postpone your plans first or get a cheaper abode.

Lektura "The Wise Parent Money Strategies" (część I)

frugal, frugality, frugally - oszczędny, oszczędność, oszczędnie
For peace of mind, we would rather save money and lead a frugal life now instead of finding ourselves
without money for living expenses later on.

relief - pomoc, zadośćuczynienie, rekompensata
It would be a great relief not to worry about not having enough money for the entire family.

keep track - śledzić, być na bieżąco, dokumentować, prowadzić zapiski, protokołować
just keep track of all your expenses for at least 2 months

grocery - sklep spożywczy
Note down even minor expenses like your coffee or newspaper
purchases every morning to grocery bills during the weekends.

spending habits - preferencje wydawania pieniędzy (?)
Your record will eventually show you what is your spending habits or patterns and where your money is going.
your money is going.

overspending - żyć ponad stan, wydawać więcej niż się zarabia
If you are not living within your means, meaning you are spending more money than what you are earning then you are

dining out - jeść na zewnątrz (na mieście)
For some people, it may be too much dining out, movies every week, the shopping spree, expensive phone charges.

expenditure - wydatki
If they want to cut down on spending, they may want to reduce expenditure from this column first

mortgage - kredyt hipoteczny, hipoteka
fix expenses like phone bills, electricity bills, mortgage payments, etc.

worthwhile - wart czasu, opłacalny, wart zachodu
it is a worthwhile exercise to ensure you are on the right track

happy-go-lucky - lekkomyślny, niefrasobliwy
Tom is a happy-go-lucky type of person and is always optimistic about his future.

bargain - korzystny, intratny, okazyjny, okazja, tranzakcja
. He also bought a car a few months after working but he bought a second-hand car at a great bargain price.

careal - płatki zbożowe, zboże
He eats a simple breakfast such as cereal or toast with omelet and coffee.

weakness - słabość
This is one of the weaknesses of the human nature.