czwartek, 19 marca 2009

Artykuł English skills help Swedes go global

english skills - zajomość języka angielskiego
English skills help Swedes go global

proficiency - biegłość, fachowość, wprawa
good English proficiency is crucial in helping the country adapt to a globalized world

to be appointed - zostać mianowanym, zostać desygnowanym
A couple of years ago the American Stuart Graham was appointed CEO of the Swedish construction company Skanska and moved from New York to Stockholm.

decent - przyzwoity
thanks to education and American influence in popular culture Swedes generally have a decent level of English.

forestry - leśnictwo
But he learned some German to be able to travel and buy new forestry equipment.

sufficient skill - wystarczający poziom, wystarczające umiejętności
Thirty-eight per cent of EU citizens state that they have sufficient skills in English to have a conversation

three out of four citizens - trzech na czterech obywateli
Even in the countries with the lowest support, Portugal and Greece, three out of four citizens consider language skills to be useful.

widespread - szeroko rozpowszechniony
in vain - na próżno, na darmo
Some Swedish authorities fight the widespread use of English in companies and universities. I think it is a fight in vain.

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