czwartek, 19 marca 2009

Artykuł Raviv Method to Offer First U.S. Practitioner Training Course

attention deficits - zaburzenia uwagi
Novel approach improves reading and attention deficits in children and adults.

deficiency - niedobór, brak
he course is open to special needs professionals and educators, parents of children with attention or learning difficulties, or those interested in therapeutic treatment for cognitive deficiencies.

developed by - opracowana przez (kogoś)
Developed by Nili Raviv nearly 14 years ago, the Raviv Method is effective for individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, as well as neurological problems like AD(H)D and conditions resulting from brain damage.

permamently improving - stale ulepszać
to contravene - naruszać
core - jądro, podstawa
The Method is based on permanently improving the coordination and synchronization of the brain's neural systems and changing the way the brain functions, contravening traditional methods which teach people to cope with their disabilities rather than dealing with the problem at its core.

to comprise - składać się, zawierać
The practitioner training course comprises three core modules that provide a basic understanding of the brain's functions

self esteem - poczucie własnej wartości
anxiety - obawa, niepokój
the method has been found to improve behavior and organizational skills and self esteem and to lower anxiety

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