niedziela, 8 marca 2009

Artykuł Tom Cruise Again Asserts Scientology Cured His Dyslexia

dyslexia - dysleksja
pronouncement - oświadczenie
That pronouncement is that Scientology cured his dyslexia

facet - płaszczyzna, aspekt, strona
adherent - zwolennik, wyznawca
One of the most important facets of Scientology, Cruise underlines, is its ability to give its adherents special resources to solve personal problems.

anxiety - lęk, obawa
boredom - nuda, znudzenie
I would try to concentrate but I felt anxiety, frustration, boredom.

reflect - przejawiać, odbijać
manifestation - przejaw, objaw, wyraz, manifestacja
Some individuals reflect minimal problems and others have more serious manifestations.

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